Show Notes
#029 Fed up with diets and wellness hype? Christine Okezie is on a mission to guide you to approach your food, weight and body image challenges from a genuinely "whole-istic" perspective. She's passionate about you having the right tools to understand the deeper soul truths in your health challenges so you can feel empowered in your body and in your life.
By cultivating a spiritual practice we can wisely manage our fear and worry so they don’t turn into health derailing stress and anxiety. Ancient practices such as meditation and yoga are now backed up and being recommended by neuroscientists, psychotherapists, doctors alike as essential tools for health and well being in the modern world.
Investing in our spiritual well being connects us to the ultimate source of peace, stability and vitality within. The goal of spiritual self care is to foster a sense of equanimity and steadiness and even joy amidst the hard stuff in life. Nonetheless exploring our spiritual nature is not simply a means to escape reality; nor is it passivity in life; in fact it’s actually what infuses our outer life with immense power and effectiveness.
I speak today with a true authority on this important topic. Philip Goldberg has been a spiritual teacher for the more than 45 years drawing on the yogic traditions as well as psychology and scientific research in mind body health. He is the author and co-author of some 25 books published in more than a dozen languages. His popular book American Veda in 2010 and The Life of Yogananda in 2018 received deep praise from thought leaders and experts in spiritual, holistic health, medical and academic fields. Phil is an inspiring public speaker and spiritual counselor. He is a writer for Spirituality and Health Magazine, Elephant Journal and Huffington Poast. Phil is also co-host of the Spirit Matters Podcast.
In this show, we dive into Phil's latest book that came out in the midst of this global pandemic: “Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times” - Powerful Tools to Cultivate Calm, Clarity and Courage. This book available on Amazon is a rich and practical resource for anyone who’s struggling to find balance these days. It’s a remedy for our time packed with insightful instruction to enhance your whole being.
Join me for this down to earth conversation and come away with renewed motivation to commit to your spiritual self care that will center your mind, heal your body and recharge your soul.
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