Show Notes
#020 Fed up with diets and wellness hype? Christine Okezie is on a mission to guide you to approach your food, weight and body image challenges from a genuinely "whole-istic" perspective. She's passionate about you having the right tools to understand the deeper soul truths in your health challenges so you can feel empowered in your body and in your life.
While ancient healing traditions have long understood the complexity of the interaction between brain, mind and gut, Western medicine has been slow to depart from it’s mechanistic approach of the human body. But there is a microbiome revolution happening which is embracing a more accurate and complex model of the human body as an ecosystem where our gut microbiota - the trillions of microorganisms that live inside our digestive tract are giving us a whole new appreciation for the complex interplay of Food, Mood, Emotions, Metabolism and more.
In my interview with Dr. Emeran Mayer, professor of medicine and executive director of the UCLA Center for Neurobiology of Stress, he shares how we can harnass the power of the biological link between the mind and the digestive system to take charge of our health.
Dr. Mayer is a gastroenterologist, neuroscientist, and the author of the bestselling book, The Mind Gut Connection who has been studying this interaction for over forty years.
Learn more about Dr. Mayer at
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